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The Geneva Instutute for multipolarity

The Geneva Institute For Multipolarity

Reviving a multipolar way of thinking and doing

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The Geneva Institute
for Multipolarity



Promoting a more cooperative and equitable world

Reviving a multipolar way of thinking and doing



Establishing a multipolar platform in favor of a more cooperative, equitable, peaceful and sustainable world order

Asserting the principle of sovereign equality of countries and civilizations



Structure of Geneva Institute for Multipolarity

Forme juridique, but et siège of the Geneva Institute for Multipolarity


The Geneva Institute for Multipolarity (GIM) is established in Geneva in 2024 as a not-for-profit association. Its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.


GIM is independent, impartial, and not affiliated to any particular interest. On the contrary, the Institute supports the shift from the struggle for power and domination. It encourages equality, mutual respect and shared benefits among nations, states and civilizations through to a comprehensive multilateral approach.

Drapeaux des pays


  • Establishing a multipolar platform to support the Institute’s mission through engaging nations, states, organizations, peoples and individuals towards leadership, entrepreneurship and youth commitment in favor of a more cooperative, equitable, peaceful and sustainable world order;

  • Facilitation of safe exchanges to find a common ground via peers' exchanges, conferences, forums, publications, agenda driven councils and community-based initiatives;

  • Building of a strategic intelligence community in order to produce reports, analyses, academic research, interviews, position papers and content driven works;

  • Encourage multipolar spirit and leader events curated by community;

  • Support the creation of regional multipolar alliances in the different parts of the world

  • Promote multipolarity way of thinking among scholars, business communities, civil society organizations as well as media and public opinion

  • Multipolarity advocacy towards international organizations, UNO, diplomats, MPs and political circles.



  • Asserting the principle of sovereign equality of countries and civilizations.

  • Shaping a multipolarity agenda that is beneficial to all people, and, above all, that promotes the integrity and dignity of the human person, independent justice, the respect of cultures and traditions, the preservation of the environment as well as peace and shared prosperity among nations and on all continents.

  • Dedicating our energies to create a cooperative, equitable and sustainable world order, based on strict international laws drafted and agreed upon by all poles and nations.

  • Changing the phrase “let’s oppose” to “let’s work together “; the word “war” to “mutual respect “; the words “challenge” and “competition” to “help” and “cooperation”.

  • Respect of high ethical values and independence in information, journalism, and scientific research in accordance with the traditional Swiss values such as neutrality, humanity, impartiality, universality and unity in diversity.

multipolar forum

The Multipolar Forum is a blog providing news, analytics, opinions and research data on the main issues of the multipolar movement, including geopolitics, economy, security, society, BRICS+, SCO and all the theoretical and practical information concerning the emerging multipolarity.


The contributions are provided by a team of scholars, experts, academics, journalists, researchers, diplomats from all continents and from various expertise fields. These experts work on an independent and voluntary basis and express their personal views.


Multipolar Forum


The Nomad Economic Forum


The Nomad Economic Forum gathered each year in a different country the economic actors of the multi-polar world, namely private companies, economic institutions and government agencies wishing to promote commercial exchanges, economic cooperation, investments, financial exchanges and monetary and technological innovations on a balanced and independent basis. A special emphasis will be placed on research and development, research institutes and universities.




The Festival of Cultures


The Festival of Cultures brings together each year the cultural actors of the multi-polar world, namely representatives of arts, education, literature, cinema and popular traditions specific to the various cultures of the multi-polar world, in order to promote exchanges and the flourishing of different forms of cultural expression independently of dominant cultural circuits. A special emphasis will be given to educational aspects and youth training issues.

Immeubles haussmannien



6 Clos Mallet du Pan,

CH1208 Geneva,


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Ph :  +41 79 449 25 70


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